by Mike Magalsky | Mar 22, 2022 | Consulting, Data
I participated in the Society’s Process Consulting Training course at just the right moment. My professional life, previously so successful and smooth-flowing, hit an unexpected bump when my decades-long employment came to an end. Undeterred, I started my own company...
by Rathi Ramachandran | Mar 10, 2022 | Data, WhereScape
Wherescape December “DevOps” release , this includes new Metadata Ingestion, Model Test Automation workflows, Merge and Compare options, and Performance tweaks PLUS the official launch of Where scape Enablement Packs along with new File Parser...
by Mike Magalsky | Dec 31, 2021 | Data, infoSecur, Security
Spoiler Alert: Well, just a one-liner rather; not a plot spoiler at all. So read on without fear… 🙂 Our family took in the new Spider-Man movie this week. A good flick it was, we all agreed. It includes one of my new favorite movie...
by infoVia | Oct 29, 2021 | Data, WhereScape
High-Water Mark Loading is a way to optimize your load strategy. Some data sources will have a column such as “update” or “effective” which can be relied on to track when data in the table has been inserted or changed. It is possible to track...
by infoVia | Oct 19, 2021 | Data
We want to thank Certus for their guest blog. Part 3 in a 3-part series on revisiting the definition of Information. In this third blog post in a three-part series, we’re exploring the implications of both the definition of information and the...
by infoVia | Oct 12, 2021 | Data
We want to thank Certus for their guest blog. Part 2 in a 3-part series on revisiting the definition of Information. In this second blog post in a three-part series, we’re exploring the connection between Laws of Nature and...
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