What is Data Vault?

What is Data Vault? Is this the “new” thing that every data person needs to know? What are the benefits and is it right for our organization? These are several questions that infoVia helps clients answer. We wanted to set the stage and give you resources and tools in one place to discover more about Data Vault.

For Business People

Is your Organization Ready for Data Vault?

Unlocking the Power of Data Vault

For Technical People

Unlocking Data Vault Part 1

Unlocking Data Vault Part 2


If you are looking to learn more about Data Vault, the Data Vault Alliance coordinates classes you can dive right into. Click here for the latest list of Data Vault classes.

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Boise, Idaho

Monday-Friday: 8am - 5pm


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Let’s partner together to create a robust data foundation for successful data-driven transformations.