It’s a quote originally attributed to Thomas Paine and famously leveraged by General George Patton and Media Tycoon Ted Turner.
It sounds easy, but having the confidence to lead requires applied knowledge and experience. Lacking those, it may be wiser to follow another down a path rather than blazing one yourself. Having been on all three sides of that trichotomy at points in my past, I’ve learned it is easier to look back with 20-20 hindsight than it was to know which to do in the moment.
A colleague at a large electronics company told me recently, “There are so many technologies and methodologies that we just can’t decide which to pursue.”
This is where trusted advisors can assist. infoVia has successfully led or advised on dozens of data initiatives and having that breadth of experience positions us to be invaluable in weighing your pertinent options and making the appropriate architectural and procedural decisions for your organizations.
Know your limits – plan, seek help, adhere.
If you’ve read our articles on data management, we believe it’s akin to an outdoor adventure. Dan Robbins, a friend in the industry and co-adventurer wrote the following article about a young mountain climber. Note the DISCLAIMER on the right-hand column.

Tess Hollister on Mount Idaho, her 3rd peak of 9 total.
16-year Old Tess Hollister Completes the 9 Highest Peaks in Idaho in 6 Days
By Dan Robbins | July 21, 2015
But this introduces the age-old dilemma. How should I gain experience without doing, and how do I do without the needed experience.
Do as Tess did and hire a guide. Find someone who has climbed your mountain before. Then bring in-house expertise to de-risk your project.
This doesn’t mean you must completely hand over the project, just simply ask for perspectives from a third party. Then, stay involved and make the decisions with their guidance. You will own the results after all. So, you should understand the rationale behind those decisions. Also, you have the knowledge of your business, so wear the Biz Analyst hat and provide context.
Beware the pitfalls.
When starting a data initiative, don’t do it alone. The high cost of failure includes lost opportunity, organization distrust, and lots of cash.
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