by Mike Magalsky | Oct 18, 2023 | Consulting, Data
Knowing when to hold and when to fold is a crucial skill, not only in life’s adventures but also in preparing your business for better data-driven insights using data warehouse and advanced analytics like artificial intelligence. Let me share a personal...
by Mike Magalsky | Oct 10, 2023 | Consulting, Data
It’s a quote originally attributed to Thomas Paine and famously leveraged by General George Patton and Media Tycoon Ted Turner. It sounds easy, but having the confidence to lead requires applied knowledge and experience. Lacking those, it may be wiser to follow...
by Mike Magalsky | Sep 13, 2023 | Consulting, Data
Embarking on the Great Data Adventure is akin to undertaking risky wilderness pursuits like rafting the River of No Return Wilderness or climbing Mt. Borah. Earlier this month, I checked off two items on my personal bucket list with friends. We rafted the River of...
by infoVia | Aug 9, 2023 | Data, infoSecur
In today’s digital age, IT professionals play a crucial role in managing and securing the vast amount of data within organizations. However, without proper access control measures in place, they encounter a myriad of challenges that can hinder productivity,...
by Rathi Ramachandran | May 4, 2022 | Consulting, Data, WhereScape
This document explains the complete RED command line example code to automate the backing up repository by using the window batch script. Use the scheduler to back up the 3d repository daily, weekly, monthly or by request. Automatic backing up repository by...
by Rathi Ramachandran | May 4, 2022 | Data, WhereScape
This document explains the complete command line example code to automate the wherescape 3d XML mode deployment to red repository through the scheduler by using the batch script. (If you know what this means, congratulations! 🙂 Wherescape 3d DV Model Automation...
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